세계적인 디자인의 매카 동아티지
===> 동아티지 대표블로그
===> 홈페이지
===> 모바일
===> 네이버. 다음 노출 현황[모바일 동시노출]
Why wrap quotes around “game designer” in this fashion? Well because that image of the game designer is a figment. It’s a catch-all label that applies to leaders of big-budget studios or tiny one-man indies. It’s a label that anyone can self-appropriate as shorthand for “I make cool games,” just as anyone can call themselves an entrepreneur. It doesn’t really describe anything, but it sounds awesome.
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'기업마케팅 > 동아티지' 카테고리의 다른 글
해운대구 문화테마지도 (0) | 2014.05.12 |
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